In achieving its objectives, MDCH executes the following functions:

  • Redouble efforts to increase and persify revenue sources in order to reduce reliance on assessment tax revenues;

  • Increase area beautification as well as sanitation and health control efforts;

  • Encourage physical development in line with the state planning policy according to set priorities;

  • Increase ownership and develop vacant government lands in the Cameron Highlands District area to become ‘value-added' projects for local economic development;

  • Review the rental rate of upgraded stalls;

  • Increase and further fortify hygiene campaigns, courses and gotong-royong among the traders and local residents;

  • Increase and enhance the skills and competencies of the Council's employees through various internal and external courses, trainings and seminars;

  • Maintain and conduct total refurbishment of existing public facilities such as roads in residential areas, public toilets, playgrounds, drains and ditches, and

  • Encourage community participation in development planning, social and environmental activities in the district in line with the 'Local Agenda 21'.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 November 2024 - 10:50am